Kerry Postlewhite

I'm thrilled to be your Labour PPC in Melksham and Devizes!

Fourteen years of crisis and chaos. Fourteen years of devastation for working people and public services.
Like you, I won’t rest until we get this government out. And like you, I’m more than ready, and I have more than 40 years of campaigning experience to draw on.

My career has been all about firing people up to act for positive change.
As a campaigner and advocate, and as a volunteer with community-based groups here in the UK and in Zambia:
I was part of a coalition that secured recognition of animal sentience in UK law in 2022.
I set up the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Relevant Science at Westminster.
I worked with Labour MEPs on groundbreaking environmental, health and consumer protection laws. And I delivered the second-biggest petition ever to the United Nations, with a whopping eight million signatures.

“Kerry is a fellow Labour Animal Welfare Society activist whom I know well as a passionate and effective advocate, with experience of campaigning and of parliament. I have no doubt that she’d hit the ground running and work hard for you.”
Baroness Sue Hayman, former Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

“I worked with Kerry in the Socialist Group in the European Parliament and saw at first hand her dedication to and support for our Labour MEPs in shaping groundbreaking environmental, public health and consumer protection laws.”
Richard Corbett, former Labour leader in the European Parliament

Deeply rooted in our movement, I grew up near Bath. My first election campaign was in Wansdyke in 1983. Then, at the age of 18, I left the West Country to become a student in Sheffield, inspired by its reputation as a Labour stronghold holding out against Thatcher. I quickly became active in the National Organisation of Labour Students, and I was elected as national Women’s Officer.

After university, I moved to London where I campaigned against the poll tax and local health cuts before moving to Brussels to work for the Socialist Group of MEPs. There, I was seconded to organise shadow cabinet visits in the 1997 general election.

Most recently, I have been vice-chair of membership and an active campaigner in Hereford and South Herefordshire. I am a member of the GMB, the Co-op Party, Labour Women’s Network, the Labour Movement for Europe and I am involved with the Fabian Women’s Network.

Everything I have learnt – from delivering Labour Party election leaflets as a child with my mum in the 1980s, to changing laws in the 2020s – has equipped me to become a Member of Parliament.

I look forward to working with you to run the election campaign of our lives and help secure the Labour government our country so desperately needs.

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 Kerry Postlewhite  Kerry Postlewhite  Kerry Postlewhite  Kerry Postlewhite

I'm thrilled to be your Labour candidate for Melksham and Devizes constituency. A vote for Labour is a vote for the change Britain so desperately needs. Fourteen years of crisis and chaos. Fourteen years of devastation for working people and public services. Labour has a long term plan to secure economic stability, get our NHS back on track, tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, invest in clean, homegrown energy, and break down barriers to opportunity across the country.

I grew up near Bath and have family rooted in this area and across Wiltshire. It’s a place I have known well since childhood. Living in a rural community, I understand the issues facing our towns and villages. I have spent my career working with communities and organisations to make positive change happen, campaigning and changing laws on environmental issues, public health, consumer protection and animal welfare. I have the skills and experience to be the strong voice our area needs in Westminster.

This is a once-in-a-generation election. Labour can win in Melksham and Devizes constituency. It’s time for change. Vote Labour on 4 July.



The Environment


Social Care

social care

Culture & Leisure

culture leisure





The Economy




