The Constituency Executive Committee are responsible for running the affairs of the Constituency Labour Party in the Melksham and Devizes area.

Chair Rod Evans
Rod Evans  

Vice-Chair (Campaigns & Membership)

Noël Woolrych

A veteran of the Constituency Labour Party I've been around for quite a long time; I was elected in the mid-1990s as a Councillor, then Mayor of Devizes.  I've chaired pretty much all council committees and many community organisations.  Served as a Branch & CLP Executive Committee member for 30 plus years, served as Vice-Chair & Chair of the Devizes CLP and Union Rep when I was a teacher. 
I have several years of experience in campaigning and representing Labour.
I have been active in the community in a variety of ways. From getting the Kennet & Avon Canal restored to Carnival and Twinning along with other organisations.  I have been involved with homeless isssues for nearly 30 years and have managed the town's CCTV since it's inception 17 years ago.
More recently I became a Covid Vaccintor and for the last 2 1/2 years I've delivered something in excess of 10,000 vaccinations.

 Secretary Julia Daniel
 Treasurer Yvonne King
Women's Officer Cat Brown
 coming_soon Devizes Town Councillor and former Mayor.
Trades Union Liaison Officer Vacant
BAME Officer Vacant
Policy/Political Education Officer Lorraine Spring
 Lorraine Spring  
Disability Officer Vacant
Communications and Social Media Officer  Vacant
 LGBTQ+ Officer  Vacant
Website Officer Noël Woolrych
 Noel Woolrych I'm the tecky one!  Originally from London, I have lived in Devizes for 40+ years. I've spent most of my adult life in the political arena (well since the Representation of the Peoples Act 1968).  As a Labour Party Member for over 30 years, I have represented the East Ward of Devizes for 12 years as a Town Councillor and the Town as "Mayor of the Millennium". I have stood as a candidate at Town, District & County levels.  As a local businessman I care passionately about the local economy, tourism and the town in general.
I have been involved with homeless issues over the last 30 years and am a Trustee of Devizes Opendoors. I am a Director of the Devizes Development Partnership and manage the CCTV in the town (having been involved with Community Safety for nearly 40 years) and run the Town website amongst others.
 IT and election data Co-ordinator  Rod Evans
 Rod Evans  
Youth Officer  Vacant



The Environment


Social Care

social care

Culture & Leisure

culture leisure





The Economy




